Add to cart Him-Pure Green Coffee ₹150.00 Rated 3.67 out of 5 Benefits of Green Coffee High level of antioxidants, Burns fat Naturally, Boosts Energy Levels, Boosts Metabolism, Improves Blood circulation, Naturally Detoxification, Reduces Levels of Bad Cholesterol, Enhances Immune system, Slows down signs of Ageing, Moisturizes Skin, Fights Baldness, Control Diabetes. How to use 1. Put one Teaspoon of Him-Pure green ground green coffee in one cup. 2. Pour boiling hot water over it. 3. Let stand for 5-7 minutes. 4. Filter the broth through a fine sieve. 4. Your green coffee is now ready to drink. 5. Enjoy the Aroma of Green Coffee. 6. Add tinge of honey if required.